
Wall-E Sequel Info

"Wall-E" won't be getting a sequel treatment, insisted the animated movie's writer/director Andrew Stanton. Sharing out what he has in mind of the sequel issue, the 43-year-old filmmaker tells MTV News, "Personally, I never consider sequels. I think that takes a lot of hubris to think that your idea is going to live on and on, and I always love the idea of something just being contained and done."

Explaining the reason behind why he is not going to make the sequel for the robot romance film, Stanton points out on the working process of "Wall-E", "We work on these things for so long, that we have a hard time simply thinking that the [first] film is ever going to be done." The director of "Finding Nemo" further adds, "I'm not against sequels, and I've certainly experienced personally and seen secondhand great sequels, but I don't go in with that intent."

A 2008 computer-animated sci-fi/romance film from Pixar, "Wall-E" has become the studio's ninth consecutive movie to land #1 at the box office upon its release on June 26. Having collected so far $532.9 million worldwide, the animated film has won various awards, including the Best Animated Feature Film from the 66th Golden Globe Awards. It also received six nominations from the 81st Annual Academy Awards.


Wall-E Post Five

When I woke up, I found myself in the trash dump. I desperately needed a solar charge and a newer chip because it was fried from auto. Bigger versions of me were compacting trash and throwing them into space. I got compacted into a cube but I was lucky enough to be on the outside of the cube. The cube was sent into a launch room and there I saw Eva. She blasted out of the cube and she quickly grabbed me out of the cube. The cleaning bot came just in time for when the doors were closing and was stuck in between it. The launch doors were opened and everything was thrown into space. I was still in Eva's arms and she was fighting her way back to the dump. The bigger robots closed off the doors and we went back to the dump. Eva saw me in a bad condition and she looked everywhere for chips that could replace mine. She couldn't find one so I decided to give her the plant but she refused to give up. I kept trying to tell her that the plant could get us back to Earth and that I had spare chips for myself back home. She quickly grabbed me and the cleaning bot and she blasted her way up and out of the trash dump. We went up a chute and into the highway. We were flying through the highway and we were followed by the robots that were in the repair ward when we got out. Auto saw us and deployed all of the security bots. We were stopped all by them. One of the bots that was in the repair ward, bashed his way through all of the security bots and we got through. The captain made an announcement telling us that there is a place where we can drop off the plant and it will take us back to Earth. We got to the drop zone which happened to be by the pool area. Just as we were about to drop off the plant, the whole ship turned and everyone who was sent there because of the precaution that we were going back to Earth rolled all to one side of the ship. Eva placed me by the drop zone while she helped all the people because big carts were rolling and were about to hit the humans. Auto must have hit a button and the drop zone tube was being closed. I tried stopping it and I just about had it but it suddenly jerked down again and I fell through the hole. The captain fought auto and disabled it and he turned the ship back. Eva finally came and tried to help me and she placed the plant into the drop zone tube. The tube rose up and I was free. I blacked out again. When I woke up I saw Eva holding my hand and we had a moment.


Wall-E Post Four

The video on the screen showed the president of BnL. This video was made by the president and he was talking about "if you are watching this video now, then Earth is back to normal and we can go back home." Once the video was over the auto bot asked Eva for the "plant" but she didn't have it. She got really made at me because she thought that I had taken the "plant" away from her. The captain sent both of us to the repair ward. When we got to the repair ward, I was caged in and Eva was taken to a room. From what I saw it looked like they were taking her apart. This startled me so I got out of the cage and bashed through the glass door and I grabbed Eva's arm from the robot. I threatened the robot and accidentally shot at something that disabled everything in the ward including the security bots and the cages. All of the other crazy bots that were in the ward were happy and they all carried me away onto the huge highway. We were stopped at an intersection by security. They flashed a picture at us because the entire ship was warned from "rogue bots." Eva quickly took me and we flew across the highway and we hid from the security. She took me to some emergency deployable ships and she tried getting me into the ship but I refused to. We saw someone coming so we quickly turned off the ship and hid. The little security bot from the captain's deck was there carrying the "plant" and was getting ready to launch the ship back to earth. Without thinking I took the plant and showed Eva but the ship took off and Eva was left behind. Scared I kept mashing all the buttons that I could find on the control panel. I accidentally pressed the self-destruct button and I couldn't turn it off. I took the fire extinguisher and the plant and tried to escape through the door but it didn't work. The ship exploded and I used the fire extinguisher to fly around with Eva. We flew back to the ship and went through a door. Eva took me to the pool area and told me to hide next to a towel cart. She went up back to the captain's deck and I decided to follow her but I waited for a little while. I went up some garbage dump pipe and something hit my head. It was the plant. I got up and I saw the captain and Eva. They were trying to tell me something. I took the plant off my head and tried to get it away from the auto bot. I stuck the plant inside my compartment but he zapped me. I blacked out and fell back through the chute.


Wall-E Post Three

After showing Eva the plant that I found last night, she suddenly shut down. I tried recharging her in the sun but that didn't work. After days and days of waiting with her taking to different places, I became frustrated and left her by my home one day. While I was compacting trash, I saw the same ship that dropped Eva come. I quickly rolled back to my home and boarded the ship. It went far out into the universe and out of the Milky Way galaxy. We finally reached a bigger ship called the Axiom behind some purple clouds. When we boarded the Axiom, robotic arms were taking out robots including Eva. A group of cleaning bots cleaned us including myself. Other bots did some scans on the bots but when they got to Eva, an alarm went off. Another robotic arm grabbed Eva and put her on a cart and the cart moved into a larger road with many other robots moving. I followed the cart and it got brought up to a control room. The main bot was there and ran a scan on Eva and told the captain. The captain woke up and checked his daily routines and got a green glowing light and he pressed it. A video showed up on the screen.


Wall-E Post Two

So today, I woke up feeling really tired. I went outside to charge my batteries outside in the sun. After recharging my batteries, I went to go to work. While I was busy at work I found many neat things including a green thing hidden inside a fridge. I took some of the soil and the green thing and put it inside a bag. I took this plant back to my home. Suddenly I found this red dot going around and I tried chasing after it. The dot ended up being a spaceship landing so I quickly dug myself under the ground to avoid being squashed. The spaceship released a robot that goes around scanning the area. The robot really caught my eye as it went around flying gracefully in the air. I kept trying to get the robot's attention but it kept ignoring me. One night I made the robot a model that looked just like it, but the robot ignored that too. The robot finally noticed me when I stood next to it after it watched an explosion when it was trying to get out of a metal magnet. I quickly learned the robot's named which was Eva. She learned my name too. The moment was ruined when a sandstorm was coming and I took her to my home because it wasn't safe outside. I showed her around and the things that I have collected in the past. I also showed her the green thing I found a few days ago but she suddenly shut down. I decided to call it a night.


Wall-E Post One

I am Wall-E, a trash compacter robot left behind to clean up the massive amount of trash on Earth in the year 2805. In an attempt to save the Earth from all the pollution, an army of robots like me tried cleaning up the mess, but in five years the idea was trashed and the mega corporation of BnL tried to resolve the situation by evacuating all of humanity to a spaceship called the Axiom in space because the Earth was too toxic for humans to live in. Everyday I do the same exact things. I pick up trash, make them into cubes, and stack the cubes on top of each other. Mountains and mountains of cubes that look like skyscrapers now flood the land. It is very lonely too because all of my fellow bots have all shut down. The only thing I have to acquaint with is my little cockroach friend. The one exciting thing for me today was when I was putting away my collectables that I had found when I was putting away the trash, I turned on the TV. There was a couple having a romantic evening. This really touched me and I went outside to look at the sky. A sandstorm had ruined the moment for me because I had to quickly go back inside and shut the doors. I decided to recharge my batteries and call it a day.