
Wall-E Post Five

When I woke up, I found myself in the trash dump. I desperately needed a solar charge and a newer chip because it was fried from auto. Bigger versions of me were compacting trash and throwing them into space. I got compacted into a cube but I was lucky enough to be on the outside of the cube. The cube was sent into a launch room and there I saw Eva. She blasted out of the cube and she quickly grabbed me out of the cube. The cleaning bot came just in time for when the doors were closing and was stuck in between it. The launch doors were opened and everything was thrown into space. I was still in Eva's arms and she was fighting her way back to the dump. The bigger robots closed off the doors and we went back to the dump. Eva saw me in a bad condition and she looked everywhere for chips that could replace mine. She couldn't find one so I decided to give her the plant but she refused to give up. I kept trying to tell her that the plant could get us back to Earth and that I had spare chips for myself back home. She quickly grabbed me and the cleaning bot and she blasted her way up and out of the trash dump. We went up a chute and into the highway. We were flying through the highway and we were followed by the robots that were in the repair ward when we got out. Auto saw us and deployed all of the security bots. We were stopped all by them. One of the bots that was in the repair ward, bashed his way through all of the security bots and we got through. The captain made an announcement telling us that there is a place where we can drop off the plant and it will take us back to Earth. We got to the drop zone which happened to be by the pool area. Just as we were about to drop off the plant, the whole ship turned and everyone who was sent there because of the precaution that we were going back to Earth rolled all to one side of the ship. Eva placed me by the drop zone while she helped all the people because big carts were rolling and were about to hit the humans. Auto must have hit a button and the drop zone tube was being closed. I tried stopping it and I just about had it but it suddenly jerked down again and I fell through the hole. The captain fought auto and disabled it and he turned the ship back. Eva finally came and tried to help me and she placed the plant into the drop zone tube. The tube rose up and I was free. I blacked out again. When I woke up I saw Eva holding my hand and we had a moment.

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