
Wall-E Post Two

So today, I woke up feeling really tired. I went outside to charge my batteries outside in the sun. After recharging my batteries, I went to go to work. While I was busy at work I found many neat things including a green thing hidden inside a fridge. I took some of the soil and the green thing and put it inside a bag. I took this plant back to my home. Suddenly I found this red dot going around and I tried chasing after it. The dot ended up being a spaceship landing so I quickly dug myself under the ground to avoid being squashed. The spaceship released a robot that goes around scanning the area. The robot really caught my eye as it went around flying gracefully in the air. I kept trying to get the robot's attention but it kept ignoring me. One night I made the robot a model that looked just like it, but the robot ignored that too. The robot finally noticed me when I stood next to it after it watched an explosion when it was trying to get out of a metal magnet. I quickly learned the robot's named which was Eva. She learned my name too. The moment was ruined when a sandstorm was coming and I took her to my home because it wasn't safe outside. I showed her around and the things that I have collected in the past. I also showed her the green thing I found a few days ago but she suddenly shut down. I decided to call it a night.

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