
Wall-E Post Four

The video on the screen showed the president of BnL. This video was made by the president and he was talking about "if you are watching this video now, then Earth is back to normal and we can go back home." Once the video was over the auto bot asked Eva for the "plant" but she didn't have it. She got really made at me because she thought that I had taken the "plant" away from her. The captain sent both of us to the repair ward. When we got to the repair ward, I was caged in and Eva was taken to a room. From what I saw it looked like they were taking her apart. This startled me so I got out of the cage and bashed through the glass door and I grabbed Eva's arm from the robot. I threatened the robot and accidentally shot at something that disabled everything in the ward including the security bots and the cages. All of the other crazy bots that were in the ward were happy and they all carried me away onto the huge highway. We were stopped at an intersection by security. They flashed a picture at us because the entire ship was warned from "rogue bots." Eva quickly took me and we flew across the highway and we hid from the security. She took me to some emergency deployable ships and she tried getting me into the ship but I refused to. We saw someone coming so we quickly turned off the ship and hid. The little security bot from the captain's deck was there carrying the "plant" and was getting ready to launch the ship back to earth. Without thinking I took the plant and showed Eva but the ship took off and Eva was left behind. Scared I kept mashing all the buttons that I could find on the control panel. I accidentally pressed the self-destruct button and I couldn't turn it off. I took the fire extinguisher and the plant and tried to escape through the door but it didn't work. The ship exploded and I used the fire extinguisher to fly around with Eva. We flew back to the ship and went through a door. Eva took me to the pool area and told me to hide next to a towel cart. She went up back to the captain's deck and I decided to follow her but I waited for a little while. I went up some garbage dump pipe and something hit my head. It was the plant. I got up and I saw the captain and Eva. They were trying to tell me something. I took the plant off my head and tried to get it away from the auto bot. I stuck the plant inside my compartment but he zapped me. I blacked out and fell back through the chute.

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